Monday, September 27, 2010


We woke up to rain! After breakfast we took a walk through the countryside and the vineyards. The grapes were heavy on the vine, as harvest was already underway.

In the afternoon, we make an optional side trip to the town of Siena. It is said that Crayola took the name for its crayon from the colors of the stone and tile used in Siena. As we enter the town, we are invited into stained-glass artisan's shop to watch them making their beautiful creations.
Tricia, our wonderful guide for the Village Italy Tour.

The catherdral in Siena looks very similar to the Duomo in Orvieto.

It's a rainy afternoon and the huge plaza of Siena, which generally is filled with people, is nearly desolate, except for the umbrella-carrying tourists. Harry and I explored the town, went to a museum, and then joined our new tour friends for dinner before heading back to our hotel in SanLeonino.
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