Sunday, September 26, 2010


Our first stop after leaving Orvieto was the Etruscan Museum in Chianciano de Terme. It was interesting to learn about the Etruscans, a progressive group of people who lived in areas of Italy in the 6th - 3rd centuries BC.
A funerary Urn of the Etruscans

Harry and Glenn share some conversation at the museum.

Steffano led us in cooking lessons. (I was assigned to the noodle making station.) The food we prepared was whisked away to be cooked, and then we were served lunch at "La Pietriccia."

It was evening when we checked-in our next hotel, my favorite place on the whole trip, Hotel Belvedere San Leonino in Chianti. The buildings of an old farm, which had been tastefully converted to an inn, rest on the top of a hill overlooking acres and acres of vineyards. Because of the huge lunch we had, a light dinner with salad, chicken, and fruit had been prepared for us.

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