Thursday, September 23, 2010


A depiction of Saint Francis of Assisi. Saint Francis came from a wealthy family, but he left behind his wealth and donned a cloak of poverty, devoting his life to helping the poor. The basilica built in his honor is one of the most popular pilgrimage destinations in Italy.

Basilica of St. Francis

A view of the Umbrian countryside and the Basilica from the hilltop.

When we returned to Montone we had wine before dinner on a patio connected to MaryEllen and Tony's room. We are beginning to feel like a family and we pose for a picture of our group.

After another fun social hour, we jump on the bus for a short ride to "Poggio Delle Noci", a farm where we witness a truffle hunt and are served a dinner with too many courses to count!

Farmer Sergio and his dog Napo,
who work as a team to find the truffles which grow on the roots of the chestnut trees.
It was beautiful to see the loving and special relationship between the farmer and his dog.

After dinner we are serenaded with Italian songs by our hosts and our tour guide Tricia and our bus driver Mario. We return the favor by singing "America The Beautiful" for them.

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