Sunday, May 31, 2009


Add forty more candles to those you see,
and you will have the correct age.

Usually I skip town on my birthday, but this year we stayed home and I threw myself a little party.


Tyler and Willie enjoying a beautiful day.

Nicolas and Bentley get acquainted.

Tyler, Willie, Harry, Benjamin, Valerie, Bentley, Adriana, and Johanna.

Benjamin, looking cheesy.

Vereni has invested in some children's play equipment.
She hopes to generate a little profit by renting these toys for parties.
The grandkids certainly enjoy them at grandma's birthday party!

Vereni and Jake supervising the set-up.

Adriana and Benjamin are curious on-lookers.

Up we go!

Here comes Kaya!

Sofia needs some coaxing to come down the big slide.

Joey and Jake laugh at Sofia's surprise landing.

Sisters Ava and Kaya in the bouncy house.

Sofia enjoying the little slide.

Later in the afternoon, John and Helen bring birthday wishes and a bottle of TractorShedRed wine,
Jerry and Carol bring best wishes and Ste Chapelle Riesling,
John Schilder arrives with birthday wishes and Menage a Troix white table wine.
Thanks, everyone, for making this a very special birthday!


Harry and Flora said...

thanks! i had a great day...a busy one, but it was a fun one. (you sure responded to the post quickly!!!)

Sharon said...

Happy (belated) birthday! I hope it was a good one. I did not know about your family blog until today - my your grandchildren are growing up quickly! It is nice to see pictures of you all!