Thursday, January 1, 2009


Have you ever looked for a life expectancy chart on-line? That's what I did today. I learned that, based on the averages, I can expect to live 26.2 more years. That's 9,563 days.

When Harry and I traveled to Israel, Ray Vander Laan, our tour guide, led devotions each morning. One morning he told us that he, too, had calculated his life expectancy. When Ray learned the results, he placed stones representing each day that, according to averages, he could expect to live, in a large glass container. Each morning he removes one stone and carries it around in his pocket all day. At the close of day, he removes the stone and reflects on what he did with the day. How well had he followed the Rabbi? How well did he walk as Jesus walked?

RVL said that, at first, the level of stones seemed little affected, but, as the years pass, the level is now alarmingly lowering. He challenged us to regard each day as precious, and to use our days in meaningful pursuits.

Teach us to number
our days aright,

that we might gain
a heart of wisdom.
Psalm 90:12

sunset on
the Sea of Galilee

Happy New Year to Family and Friends!
May you know blessings and be blessings.

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